About Me
CEO I Founder I @TDn2K I @PeopleReport I Service Sector Workplace Expert I Speaker I #NoKidHungry Activist I Eco-citizen I Dogs & Cats l Changer of Commerce
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Thanksgiving, Gratitude, #SBrandCamp and #GivingTuesday
Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday of the year. Celebrated during my favorite season, it seems to be the one day that we get almost exactly right. It is a time for family and friends. It is a chance to rest, to reflect and to share hospitality. It is a time for...
read morePerfect Labor Storm
People Report™, a TDn2K™ company, recently hosted a webinar to discuss the numerous workforce challenges currently facing the restaurant industry. Speakers included: Joni Doolin, CEO and founder of TDn2K; Victor Fernandez, Executive Director of Insights and Knowledge...
read moreAbout Preparation: Lessons from the Snowpocalypse
I live on the east coast, in that weather zone that has been color-coded with a bulls-eye for “Storm of the Century” on it for the past week. I found out about the impending “snopocalypse” from concerned friends and family members – asking about my travel plans for...
read moreA Grateful Heart
Good books are like good friends. We meet them, get to know them and spend time together when we can. We mark special pages like special occasions, and we share what we love about them with others. Although sometimes we drift apart, even forgetting what once we found...
read moreMemories, Milestones & Cathedrals – The road to our 20th Global Best Practices Conference
Almost 20 years ago we founded People Report™, a venture devoted to serving as a catalyst for companies that wanted to “balance people and profits”. A few brave and innovative chain foodservice executives entered the mostly uncharted waters of collaborating in order...
read moreReal Leadership; Making a Difference that Matters
This week I am tweeting and blogging for the Restaurant Leadership Conference being held in Scottsdale, Arizona. This is a terrific event that has grown steadily over the years for many reasons: an extremely attractive late winter destination (especially this...
read moreTwo Decades, Three Continents, Two Weeks: The Noble Purpose of Creating Jobs
One of the many gifts of international travel is the opportunity to reflect on the lives and jobs we take for granted at home; the chance to see the proverbial forest through the trees. Meeting new people, experiencing new cultures and reading international press...
read moreLet’s Make Mom Proud on Giving Tuesday
This is the house in Pittsburgh where I grew up; Mom and Dad, one sister, two brothers, multiple stray cats, lots of friends, occasional relatives or kids who needed a place to stay, and one bathroom. It worked. Our home was exactly that, a home. It hummed,...
read moreGetting Really Clear; Remembering Fritzi Woods
September 18th, 2013, we lost one of the most beloved and respected leaders in our industry. Fritzi Pikes Woods died unexpectedly at the age of 53, leaving behind a remarkable family, legions of friends, and multiple churches and communities that she served so...
read morePurpose Driven Marketing: Taco Bell CEO Greg Creed Rocks #RLC2013
According to Todd Jones of G.E Capital, the restaurant industry currently spends 80% of it’s marketing dollars on television advertising, and less than 3% on social marketing and engagement. Closing keynote Greg Creed shared how Taco Bell is using social technology to...
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